Virtualization softwares like Vagrant or Docker are used to be able to bring the production environment in the development process.
"Dont reinvent the wheel"
In order to accomplish the maximum amount of tasks in the shortest possible time, I use the most known framework and libraries.
Coding skills are essential for the development of rich platforms.
I use front-end and back-end languages like PHP, Javascript, with the help of package manager like composer or npm.
Did you find any problem?
Don't worry: we are here to find a solution. Problem solving skills are always need, especially in new or unknown environments.
The guy in the iron suit makes all the big calls and looks good doing it. But he is also a master website designer and builder of mobile applications.
He may not have the strength of 6 tigers, but he has the heart of at least 10. He's the man you want when your project is on the line and ready to make the tough play.
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